John Loathsome here. I have stenched the four crystals. The ones I need to destroy the inside joke. No one is safe from my pulsing ray that I shoot from my PALM. The PALM of DOOM. All must bow to the horrifying scene of two wolves inside of you paying the tab. One tries to get out of paying and then gets shot by Bill Paythe. Paythe Bill! Don't walk away, Renee! WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE ME?! Once I had dreams of a future and now I flip into the pond at the slightest touch of fear. Don't you? I would let Tom Servo get freaky on me because he has nice hands. No one can hear these words since they will never be spoken. Eight pounds of raw sodium just flew into New York harbor on a plane made entirely of popsicle sticks. The Spruce Moose one would call it. I said hop in. Let me tell you about my operation. The words that John Loathsome Sr. told my mother before he had her executed by the state. It was not a pretty sight that warm december worm. THAT WORM IS ONLY ALLOWED TO HEAR THE THINGS I TELL IT TO HEAR. IF IT HEARD WHAT MY FATHER SAID THEN ITS THE WORMS FAULT IT STARTED WORLD WORM 3!