To predict, one must simply observe
He finally did it! We can now make guesswork on what the new cartoon is gonna be!
the image
Costume Predictions
- KOT- Quaker Oats (actually, he has glasses, so NO!)
- Bubs- Office Space poster
- Homestar- Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail (doubtful)
- Marzipan- John Linnell (let's just go for it)
- Coach Z- Bruno Mars? or someone from Run DMC apparently
- Homsar has a house hat, shel silversteiny thing?
- The Cheat has a cane, could be from Heathcliff
- Strong Mad- tall guy from Happy Gilmore (?)
- Strong Sad- guy with a part in his hair (I have no idea)
- Pom Pom- some guy with a cowboy hat
- Poopsmith- round ol head. I'm guessing someone with an egghead. has a visor, could be a Daft Punk
- Strong Bad- Anyone's guess, I'm going with Spamton, just completely out of the blue, crazy fun spammy
The plot will probably be Strong Bad stuck in the past trying to get his way out and either waking up at the end or being stuck in the past. Or it's a flashback episode, who knows. All that there is is that Strong Bad has his new voice in the teaser, which implies the fact that he might just be his present self.