Welcome to my Wedsize!


I made a cartoon about TMBG but I'm deleting it from the canon! WAAA WAAAR. So here it is...

other random 5:00 things you need to know.

Any feedback is appreciated. put them here: This link is hererererererererer.

Y'know, burnout is an interesting thing. I think it's hard to think about the future without considering the possiblity of creative burnout. That's why there's been such a break between the end of Jimmy Zenshins and the start of 5:00... except, Jimmy didn't really end, did it? There was the whole thing with the Newt Ear bad ending thing, but idk. Jimmy Zenshins was never in the form I really wanted it to be in from the beginning. 5:00 is taking a shape I think is pretty decent for a series made by someone my age...