Breaking down this fool

In this webpage I will be breaking down the ENA Dream BBQ Release Date Trailer. We start with ENA reaching her arms out for a hug in a very "aw you are my little pogchamp, cmere" type pose, only to be hugged by the creepy blue thing from that one shirt. And let me say here, the music in this trailer is super hype. like insanely hype. I am getting goosebumps listening to it again for this dissection. The hug is kind of more like a choke hold because like he's grabbing around her neck its kind of weird. then ena's eyes open with visions of weird creepy shapes and colors. i dont exactly know whats in her eyes here, like maybe its some kind of like location? apparently? I think its just shapes and colors. Then we're in some kind of fighting mech inside that desert that Taski Maiden lives in. Phindol is on the dash as a little toy. I think this is a reference to the keychain you can buy on fangamer dot com. Then a tentacle with a glove grabs the front windsheild of the thing you're piloting. Then the shaman shows up doing some kind of dance and the background behind him is more abstract than the ones we've seen before. i think he might be putting a spell on you or some kind of trance. he does this like thing where he points with two of his fingers at your face so i think hes doing something wit h your eyes. Then that weird orca shark thing with gold teeth comes out of a hole which has hands holding it open and eyes above it. And also a floor with squares that change color slightly. Are these the dance floor squares like in that other location but all red bc aah scary monster thing? also behind it is the wallpaper from extinction party!??! and the purge event?!? IS THIS THE PURGE EVENT?!?! Then ENA is dancing on the dance floor with the pants with antlers in it and the weird red blobby thing with yellow spots and that weird thing i thought was a variant of ENA last year that looks like the jumpscare guy from yume nikki. ENA has her meanie side all white and with an inverted pupil like the drunk and very sad forms of ENA in the first season. She also has a small hole on her chest like on that one shirt that im wearing right now. The hole gets slightly bigger and more like the one on my shirt. Then there's some weird tundra wasteland and the trail leading up to it has the same texture as the desert taski lives in. There are bone looking floating bridges and ice bridges you have to cross, and some faceless pale guy flies through the middle of the screen. Then the blue human ENA is trying to cross from one strip of tied bamboo to another on a weird white void river that's glitching out of existence. Then cut back to the lonely door and ENA is holding a guy whos kind of blocky and is wearing a red suit. She stares at the camera. then it says CHAPTER 1 MARCH 27th which is so very hype

SYMBOLIC SECTION: ENA hugging the lonely door represents her thirst for knowledge. The eyes flashing represent her having gained new knowledge which might be dangerous for her. The door's emaciated frame is symbolic of how the knowledge it possesses does not have anything more than just surface level takes and that it's really scratching the bottom of the barrel to come up with anything. ENA having a hole in her chest while shes dancing represents her feeling the shot near the chest of um bad partying. she took too many uh percosets. Or alternatively she's overwhelmed at a party and is dissasociating because its too stressful. Thank you to meanie blank on discord for that one. blue ENA trying to cross the void river represents her trying to come to terms with a meaningless existence and ENA being mad at the door giving her a guy is like when you have a baby and the baby's really ugly